Online Loan Calculator Get your loan calculated easily with our online loan calculator Type of LoanChoose Loan TypeAgric LoanIndividual/BusinessPlease choose the type of loan, Loan type will determine repayment structure and interest rateLoan AmountNGNPlease enter your loan amount hereLoan Tenure (In Month)Please enter the number of months in which you plan to repay the loan, slide right or left to increase or decrease value. Please note that more months will accrue more interestInterest Rate %The interest rate will default to the month you selected. You can also change the rate up or down to understand the effect on your repayment and total interest payable.% InterestMonthly Repayment₦Overall InterestTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Loan Summary Monthly Repayment₦{calculation-4} Monthly for {slider-1} Month(s) Total Interest Payable₦{calculation-5} Over {slider-1} Month(s)Loan AmountNGNPlease enter your loan amount hereLoan Tenure (In Month)Please enter the number of months in which you plan to repay the loan, slide right or left to increase or decrease value. Please note that more months will accrue more interestInterest Rate %The interest rate will default to the month you selected. You can also change the rate up or down to understand the effect on your repayment and total interest payable.Flat Repayment Amount% InterestTotal Interest RateTotal Interest Rate/Loan Tenure1st Monthly Repayment₦Second Month B/D₦Second Month Interest₦2nd Monthly Repayment₦Third Month B/D₦Third Month Interest₦3rd Monthly Repayment₦Fourth Month B/D₦Fourth Month Interest₦4th Monthly Repayment₦Fifth Month B/D₦Fifth Month Interest₦5th Monthly Repayment₦Sixth Month B/D₦Sixth Month Interest₦6th Monthly Repayment₦Seventh Month B/D₦Seventh Month Interest₦7th Monthly Repayment₦Eighth Month B/D₦Eighth Month Interest₦8th Monthly Repayment₦Ninth Month B/D₦Ninth Month Interest₦9th Monthly Repayment₦Tenth Month B/D₦Tenth Month Interest₦10th Monthly Repayment₦Eleventh Month B/D₦Eleventh Month Interest₦11th Monthly Repayment₦Twelfth Month B/D₦Twelfth Month Interest₦12th Monthly Repayment₦Loan SummaryTotal MonthMonthTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦Total MonthMonthsTotal Interest Payable₦Total Repayment₦DisclaimerThe repayment amount shown using this calculator is an estimate, based on information you have provided. It is provided for illustrative purposes only and actual repayment amounts may vary. To find out actual repayment amounts, please kindly contact us. This calculation does not constitute a quote, loan approval, agreement or advice by the Finance team. It does not take into account your personal or financial circumstances.Send Message